Township Assessor: Brian Story 269-266-2424

Assessing Department

General Responsibilities and Services

The Assessor is responsible for the overall direction and management of the Township’s property appraisal program. Oversees the identification, does the inventory, determines the market value, and calculates the assessed valuation for all Township properties in accordance with the State Tax Commission regulations, methodology, and procedures to ensure fair and equitable assessments. Maintains accurate Homestead and property transfer information in compliance with applicable State laws.

Every year, the True Cash Value of each taxable property within the township is determined. Every taxable property is assessed at 50% of the True Cash Value. In February of each year, The Assessing Department mails property owners a Notice of Assessment.

Online Property & Tax Information

You can view your property and tax information online with BS& A Online.

BS&A Online is a collection of municipal services that provides instant and convenient access to various kinds of important information held at your local government. Users can look up information regarding Property Taxes, Special Assessments, Sales, and Building data including sketches & photos.

Users of the website need to create a personalized account to allow you free access to any property records with which you are associated. There is a small convenience fee to look up property information with which the person requesting the information is not the owner.Type your paragraph here.

Commonly Used Property Tax Forms